Saturday, October 2, 2010


We often have the problem with the high head people who are really wonderful but always fall back due to wrong attitude.We wish to generally gel-up only with those who have same views or do not contradict our own.
But why haven't we thought about all those who were against us? What made them rebuke back?
I seriously feel that we have forgotten the true art of living i.e. patience and endurance is missing from our life. The things such as mutual understanding, brotherhood and tolerance have been discarded by us and may be this is the root cause of all unnecessary problems. To shut this Pandora's box we need to believe in humanity and bow down in order to be in reach of not only our near and dear one but also of those who were unknown but wish to be a part of you and your friendly life.
Need your opinion on this and would like to hear more.Feel free to contact me @9891242221 or send your mail at

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