Tuesday, July 28, 2020

I am happy...

I am happy. I enjoy my life says Meenu.
Meenu is in her early 40's and is a homemaker. She wakes up early at 5:00 am. She starts her daily routine from her kitchen. Preparing breakfast, waking up kids, help them in their daily routine, dress them up, force the kid to drink a glass of milk, and drop the kid with the packed breakfast box and bag to the bus stop. 
Immediately she returns and wakes her husband and the similar drill of serving breakfast, packing a lunchbox, and finally, she takes time to access her laptop. She checks her inbox, responds to a few emails, and then rushes to her wardrobe. Picks the well-ironed dress, and rushes to get ready. Often, she has to skip her breakfast as she hardly gets time to sit calmly and enjoy her breakfast.
Oh! I failed to introduce who Meenu is?
Meenu is a Principal of a privately owned school. She has a couple of Master's degrees. She is a doctorate with Management and has obtained respect in society because of her communication skills, interpersonal skills, and other soft skills.
Well, to teach is her passion. Even during the lockdown, nothing much has changed in her routine. She has to take care of her household work, look after the daily needs of the family members, and work from home.
Most of you, when you read this, you can co-relate Meenu's life with yours. The society in which we are part of is a male-dominating. It is a fact. 
Globally there are thousands of changes that are taking place each day. In these changes, we also see the change that is accepted by the women in their roles and responsibilities. 
Taking care of the home is not just the responsibility of a woman. Gone are those years when a woman is responsible for the family members' needs. She is equally educated compared with men. She is equally eligible to apply for jobs. On getting placed, she is smart enough to fulfill her responsibilities. 
Some laws amended to provide equal rights to a woman. 
But the biggest question - Is a woman given equal rights compared to a man?
A woman shares the responsibility of running a family with her husband. At the same time, she expects that her husband should also support her and assist her in doing petty household work. Honestly, a man rarely extends his support. It generates the differences between a man and a woman.
Many of you might agree and state that you are among those few who care for the family. But the bitter fact is in India even these days a man lives with an old mindset and believes that he is superior to a woman.
Sharing responsibility is there between a man and a woman. A woman is allowed to develop her professional life. She is financially supporting the family. In turn, when she expects similar stature in the family as a man, she is deprived of the position. She barely gets any support from her family.
Well, this freedom of exploring and creating a new identity both in personal and professional life started generating new problems like, there is a lack of appreciation from the family members, she hardly gets time for recreation. Moreover, she is more burdened.
A man straightaway comments that it is a woman who wanted to cross the threshold of her home and explore a new opportunity, working and sharing the financial burden of the family. 
Instead of such a negative comment, a man must thank a woman for her extra support. He must praise her for her courage and thoughtfulness, appreciate her gesture in taking more responsibilities.
Meenu is one among those millions of women from India, who hardly gets a line of appreciation from her family. There are expectations of the family.  She should fulfill her role as a wife and a mother. They fail to give a word of appreciation and a handful of support that can make her life a bit easy. 
It is high time. A man needs to change his mindset. Let there be equal responsibilities between a man and a woman. Instead of watching her doing all kinds of household work, you better get up and assist her.