Friday, July 10, 2020

In Search of Happiness

I am futuristic in my actions at the same time I always believe that the efforts that are put by me, in my present will bring a bright, shining new morning - a happy future.
To think so is not bad. Well, people will call me optimistic. But the question that boggled my mind- AM I HAPPILY LIVING and ENJOYING my PRESENT?
Probably the answer is...NO
My parents must have told me millions of time to take a step back and ponder on the same question, but as usual, I ignored. This action of mine is going to cost me so high, I never realized this, till 9 May 2020.
It was a sunny summer morning. We completed lockdown 2.0 and have entered into lockdown 3.0
As per the ordinance of the government, public and private employees were working from home. Sipping tea from a hot cup, I opened my inbox. There were 70 unread emails, of which one was from a friend of mine, who has left India 15 years ago. She was well-settled in the US. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, she returned to India with her family...
It was a surprise to receive an email from a friend after such long years. When I read the email, I was utterly confused. I doubted whether the email was from the same friend or somebody has played a prank. Well, the information that she shared pointed out that it is she.
In the year 2004, after finishing her M.Tech, she got married to a man who was working with an MNC. As he was well-settled in the US, he wanted that my friend should also leave India and must think of settling in the US that she did.
In our friend circle, we all considered her as the luckiest. As she, who was from a village is going to get this great opportunity. A year after her marriage, she left India, and from then, I did not hear anything from her, except sometimes like either on my posts or hello messages through messenger. Her stay in the US always pinched my emotions. I was far better than her in studies. I excelled even in my performance but never received an opportunity to leave India and stay abroad. I was jealous of her luck.
To receive an email from her was a pleasant surprise. After reading the mail, I was in complete shock. The family that has spent over a decade in the US was today jobless. Moreover, they had no other option than returning to India, and reasoning for her email was to look for a suitable job in India.
I don't know to what extent will I help her?
But one question. What is happiness?
This question troubled my mind.
We are human beings and enjoy leading a happy life with all kinds of comfort. But does this mean that we are living a happy life?
I was keen to know the real meaning of HAPPINESS that I realized is missing from our life.
The future for which we are struggling so hard in the present is unknown. But to make it beautiful, we are ruining our present. I realized now why my parents were forcing me to think about the present.
Moving across countries cannot fetch happiness. Happiness comes from our deeds, from our present actions. How well we enjoy our present, matter a lot!
In this competitive world, we need to take time to enjoy our actions. We need to take time to celebrate our small achievements. We need to realize our mistakes and rectify the same, instead of ignoring them. To gain true happiness, we need to keep our realization alive.
For this, enjoy your present state of life. We often get worried about thinking more about the future. My friend never planned or might never imagine that she has to return to India. But the fact is, her family has to come back.
True happiness is when you have no regrets. When each of your action gives your heart a sense of accomplishment, and you enjoy doing work that you like, that can be obtained even in a small village or across borders.
Her email made me correct my actions. To be futuristic is a need but not at the cost of our beautiful present that makes us live our life happily.

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